Tuesday 25 June 2013

The Smiling music video

The Smiling music video

  • In some parts of the video, the lip syncing was off. Especially one of the performers wasn't edited correctly so the lip syncing wasn't accurate.
  • I didn't think the co-op sequence fitted in the video. It didn't really have anything to do with the narrative.
  • I thought that the video needed a wider variety of shots. When the band were playing, there were a lot of close-ups but I thought they could have used other shots at different angles.
  • The mise en scene was used well, but in some parts I thought that the setting was too dark. I thought that playing where they did was a really good idea which went well with the genre. 
  • Some of the beat-driven acting was not synced with the audio.
  • At some points, there was some dodgy framing. The characters and band weren't framed in the centre of the frame and some of it felt a bit tight. 
  • They controlled the camera well as the camera didn't move around much which was good.
  • I thought that they edited the video very well with good transitions and the video flowed well. 
  • In other parts of the video, apart from what I have mentioned, the lip syncing worked very well. 
  • The shots of the band playing were in focus well so they could be seen clearly so it shows that they used the camera well. 
  • The co-op shots were quite grainy but were well focused.

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