Monday 17 June 2013

Textual Analysis - Wherever you will go, The Calling

Artist - The Calling

Genre - Alternative Rock

Producer - Marc Tanner

When it was created - It was recorded in 2000 and the video was released on June 4th 2001.

Record Labels - RCA Records

Mise en scene -
Locations - The locations used in this video are inside a house and outside by a bridge where there are lots of graffiti. The outside location looks like it uses a stage for the band to perform on. The stage like location makes it look like that they band are actually performing. The graffiti at the outside location is similar to the music genre as rock music is usually quite dark, like how the graffiti is used in the video. The other location is inside a house. I think this location is used to make it look like a real life atmosphere.
Costume and make-up - The band performers are mainly dressed in black clothing which suggests that they are rock performers. This is because the rock genre is usually associated with dark colours. The music band also mainly have longish hair in the video which is is also what bands are known for in the rock genre. The other characters in the video are dressed in normal clothes which gives the video a sense of every day lifestyle. The girl looks like she's dressed in summery clothing because of wearing an orange top, which is completely different to what the band are wearing.
Props - The props in this music video are used by the band. They use microphones to lip sync into, which makes it look like they are singing. The other props used in the video are instruments. The instruments used are guitars and drums. This makes it look like the band are actually playing the music.
Performance - In the video, the artists are represented as a band playing their music and singing on a stage. This is because of the props used when the artists are performing. Also in the video, the characters are represented as people living in an everyday atmosphere and lifestyle. The girl in the video is represented as someone who finds out about her boyfriend who is with someone else.
Lighting - The lighting used in the video is low-key lighting and natural lighting. The low-key lighting allows the characters and performers to be seen clearly, and the lighting also creates a chiaroscuro effect. The lighting also makes the video a bit darker in some places, which is similar to the rock genre which can seem a bit dark. Natural lighting is also used and this is from the sunshine outside. This creates a natural atmosphere in the video.
Colour Palette - The colour palette in the video is mainly made up of whites and creams. This makes it look a bit brighter. In some places, the colour palette can get a bit darker. The brighter colours create a sense of liveliness and an everyday atmosphere. The darker colours create a more rock genre feel to the video.

Camera Techniques - Throughout the video, the characters are framed mostly in the centre of the frame. Also, some characters are framed in the background which shows that they are background characters in certain places in the video. Being framed in the centre of frames, shows that they are important in the camera shots and the main characters in the video. There are a range of camera shots, movements and angles used in the music video. There are many shots used such as point of view shots, wide shots, two shots, close-ups, medium shots and long shots. The point of view shots are used to show the audience what the character is seeing, wide shots are used when the band are performing which allows the audience to see the whole band, and two shots are also used to show that there is a relationship between two people. In the video, there are a lot of close-ups used and there are also quite a few medium shots. The close-ups are mainly used to show the characters emotions in the video, and most of the medium shots are used to show the band performing. There are also several camera movements used such as tracking shots and zooms. The tracking shots are used to track the character's movements. This makes them the important subject in the shot. Zoom ins make the character's more important and the zoom outs make them seem less important in the shot.

Edit Techniques - I counted the edit cuts in the video and I counted that it has an edit rate of about 165 cuts. The edit rate of the video was very fast. It started off quite slow but then the editing pace quickened up throughout the video. The pace got really quick when most of the action happened involving the characters in the video. There are different editing techniques used in the video such as cuts and fades. There are several cuts used and these are used to show passages of time in the video. I think they are also used to make a smoother transition through shots. At the start and end of the video, fades are used. A fade in from black is used to start the video and then a fade out to black is used to end the video.

Animation - In the video, there isn't much animation used. The only bit of animation is when a character is pixelated in a shot. The character is pixelated in the background when the band are performing and I think this is used to make the character mysterious towards the audience.

Performance - There is a lot of performance used in the video. Lip syncing is used by the performers to make it look like they're actually singing, and I think that the lip syncing is really spot on. Singing to camera is also used by the performers, and acting as a character is also used. The acting in the video by the characters give the audience a sense that there is a story in the video. Finally, demonstrating musicianship is used by the performers as they use guitars and drums when they are performing.

Representation of the artists and other groups - In the video, the artists are represented as rock singers. We know that they've been represented as rock singers because of the props they use. They use drums and guitars which rock singers usually use.

Intertextuality - There is no intertextuality used in this music video.

Where the video might be shown - The video will be shown on internet sites such as youtube which will promote the video and the band. The video might also be shown on music tv channels, mainly rock channels which will also promote the band and their video to their fans and a wider audience. Finally, the video could be shown in TV adverts which would promote the band's music, usually their albums.

Target Audience - I think the target audience for this video can be everyone but mainly, the target audience is for men aged 16-40. I think this because men between these ages usually enjoy this genre of music more and are bigger fans of the band.

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