Wednesday 19 June 2013

Cameras and Lights photos from 19/6/13

All these photos were from when we were being shown how 2 cameras work. Both cameras were on tripods and one of them was a DSLR camera. 3 of the photos were also from when we were setting the lights up.

This photo above is of Tom pointing to the shutter button on the camera which can speed up the frame rates on the camera. 

This photo above shows the DSLR camera we were using and being shown how to use. 

This is another photo of the smaller DSLR camera from a different view, this time from the side of the camera. 

This is a better  photo of the larger camera which again shows Tom pointing to the shutter button which can speed up the frame rate on the camera.

This photo is a close-up of some of the buttons on the larger camera. The thinner sliding button changes the light on the camera and makes it lighter and darker depending on whether the photographer wants to film something lighter or darker. 

This is another close-up of some of the buttons on the larger camera. 

This photo above shows one of the lights that we had to set up. These lights are useful for filming as it can add more light to the filming. 

This is another one of the lights that we had to set up. 

This is the same light from the previous photo but shot from a different angle. 

In this session I had, I mainly learnt about the shutter button, exposure button and the aperture button. The shutter button makes the camera in focus and allows the photographer to change the lighting of the filming or photo. It changes between light and dark. The exposure button allows the photographer to set the exposure of the photo and the aperture button allows the photographer to set the aperture on the camera. I also learned about the automatic/manual button as the manual setting is the best to use when filming something, as that allows the photographer to have total control of the camera. 

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