Friday 6 September 2013

Music Video Treatment

Mise en scene
Locations - I want to use a music band in my video and I want the location of the band to be outside. With the band being outside, I could make it so it looks like the band are playing on a stage. This would make it feel and look like they are actually playing and performing the song. I also want to include characters and a story in my video. I want the location of the story to be a mixture of outside and inside locations.
Costume and Make-up -
Props - I have decided that I want to include props in my music video. The props I will include will be microphones and instruments. The microphone will be for the band's lead singer and the instruments will be used by the other members of the band. The instruments that the other band members will use will be guitars and drums.
Performance - In my video, the artists will be represented as a band playing and performing their music. I know that they will be represented as this because of the props that they will use. The props will be the instruments that they use such as guitars and drums. I also want to include a story in my video so the characters will be represented as people in a story.
Lighting - The lighting used in my video will mainly be natural lighting. This is because the locations used will be outside and inside where the light will come from the location, either sunlight or other ambient lighting that's around.
Colour Palette - The colour palette of my video will mainly be greys and creams. This is because these are the main natural colours of outside and inside. The colour palette will also get a bit darker because of the clothing that the band will wear. The band will wear darker clothing which will suit the rock genre more.

Camera Techniques

In my video, I will frame most of the characters and performers in the centre of the frame. The lead singer in the band will be framed in the centre, with the other musicians in the band framed behind or to the side of the lead singer. Being framed in the centre allows the audience to see them clearly, and it shows that they are the main importance in the shot. These shots will be well in focus so they can be seen clearly. I will use a range of shots in my video. These are some of the shots and movements that I intend to use; Close-up, medium shot, long shot, wide shot, establishing shot, point of view shot, tracking shot over the shoulder shot, pans, tilts, zooms and low angle shots.

Edit Techniques

The main edit techniques that I will use will be fades and cuts. I will use a fade in at the start of the video and I will also use a fade out at the end of the video. I will use cuts in between each shot to make the transitions smoother and to show passages of time. I will also use an eye line match to show characters' point of view. The edit rate of my video will be quite quick. It won't be as quick as some music videos but it will still have quite a lot of cuts.

Animation - I won't use any animation in my music video.

Performance - I will use quite a lot of performance in the video. The performance that I will use will be lip syncing, singing to camera, acting as a character and demonstrating musicianship. The music band will use singing to camera, and this will be shown by lip syncing. Acting as a character will be used by the characters acting in the video, and demonstrating musicianship will be used by the band as they will be playing drums and guitars.

Intertextuality - I won't use any intertextuality in my music video.

Where the video might be shown  - When it's completed, my video will be shown on youtube for people to view.

Target Audience - The Target Audience will mainly be males aged between 16-35. This is because that age group are usually the ones who enjoy the rock genre more.

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