Monday 16 September 2013

Music Video Rationale

Rationale - Why I chose the song? The Calling - Wherever you will go

I decided to use this song for my music video because of the resources I am currently able to use. The rock genre is also the best genre to base my video on because of the resources I have access to. The main resource is the band that I want to use in the video. There are many musicians that could possibly make up a band for my video as the musicians play guitars, drums or sing. This is useful because I can easily access them and I want to include guitarists, drummers and a singer in my video. 

I also chose this song because I can incorporate a story into my video. This is because of the pace of the song. The song's pace is quite slow at the beginning of the song but quickens up as the song gets going. I think I could incorporate a story into the video by the story getting going more as the song quickens up. 

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