Monday 9 September 2013

Inspirations for music video

These examples and screenshots of other music videos are what will inspire me to create my music video. I will include examples of characters, mise en scene and camerawork.

I want to include a band in my music video similar to the example screenshot above. I have used this as an example because I want the amount of members in the band similar to this with a main singer, two guitarists and a drummer.

This screenshot above shows where the band is located in a Coldplay music video. I have chosen this screenshot as an example because I want to use my band in a similar location to this. I want to use the band in an outside location which could make it look like they are performing on a stage. I will either use the band outside in front of a building or without a building and just in open space.

 I also want the clothing to be similar to the clothing that the band are wearing above. This is because rock bands usually wear darker clothing.

The props used will also be similar to the screenshot above as I will use drums, guitars and a microphone for the main singer.

This screenshot above shows a tracking shot. I have decided to use this as a screenshot because I want to include some tracking shots in my video.

This screenshot above shows a wide shot in a Sleeping With Sirens music video. I have decided to include this screenshot because I want to include some wide shots in my video. The wide shots will allow the user to see the whole band clearly.

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