Wednesday 4 December 2013

My Website

I will use screenshots to show my website progress throughout the making of it.

This is the start of me creating my website. After I had edited the template by removing some items, I then customised my navigation menu and background to how I like. This shows that the content of the website on the navigation menu will be Music, Tour, News, Contact Us and Biography. I made the text colour white so it stands out in front of the dark background, and I also changed the hover over colour to Grey so it becomes a bit more interactive. Also, I changed the background colour to this dark colour because it matches the music genre of The Calling which is Rock. The black box in the middle of the website is where I will put content.

Website Template

This is the Wix template that I have decided to use to make my website. I have decided to use this template because the colours match the band who sing the song in the video. The colours match the rock genre as the rock genre is usually associated with darker colours.

I will then edit the site how I want. I will edit the background, images , text and the overall content of the website.


I had filmed on Wednesday 27th November. These are the equipment and props that I used:

  • DSLR Camera
  • Tripod
  • Mobile Phone 
  • Gravestone 
  • Street Bench 
  • Wrist Watch

Monday 25 November 2013

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Cast and Crew organised

Cast and Crew

I will be filming most of my video on Thursday 28th November


  • Will Wardle
  • John Burton


  • Ryan Oxley

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Website Research

For my website research, I will look at different websites that are in the genre of my music video. I will compare them to find similarities and differences between the websites. I will pick out important features that the websites have.

These screenshots below are from the Goo Goo Dolls website. 

This screenshot above shows the top half of the Goo Goo Dolls website. It shows the navigation bar across the top which includes links to the main content such as news, videos, photos, music, tour and bio. This content is important to find out more about the band and their music. This screenshot also shows that the site allows the user to view latest photos and latest news from the band. The user can also be engaged with the band which is shown through two links on the right. The links allow the user to sign in to the site or sign in to join the fan club. Finally, which I think is important, the user is able to listen to some of the band's songs through SoundCloud.

On this screenshot above, it shows that the user can navigate to view latest news from the band. This is easy to read because of the text being in bold so the news stands out on the website page meaning the user gets drawn to it. Also, the website uses advertising to get fans to go to the band's tour. On the right of the page, there's a tour section which allows the user to buy tickets for the tour in different locations. Also, the site advertises the band's new album so the user can view it. 

This screenshot shows the main parts of the website which the user can navigate to. There are also social networking links which have become an important part of websites. The social networking links used here are Instagram, iTunes, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, MySpace and Spotify. 

These screenshots below are from the Nickelback website. 

This screenshot is from the top of the Nickelback website. It shows the navigation bar on the site which allows the user to navigate around the website. Similarly to the navigation bar on the Goo Goo Dolls website, the links they have in common are News, Tour, Music, Store and Fan Club. This implies that this is the sort of content that bands' websites usually include on the site. 

This screenshot above from the Nickelback website shows tour information and news. From my previous research about the Goo Goo Dolls website, I can see that this information about tours and news are important to put on the home page of a website. Users are able to search through the tour dates and locations using the navigation buttons, and they can also search through the latest news using the navigation buttons. Also on the site, users are able to listen to their music shown by the Now Playing part. The user can also interact with the website by either logging in to the site or registering a new account. This is all very similar to the content on the Goo Goo Dolls website, as shown above, the content shown on there is about the band's tours and latest news. 

This screenshot shows the social networking links on the website that allows the user to interact and navigate to the sites. The links on there are very similar to what's on the Goo Goo Dolls website, and they are also the main social networking sites that the audience uses. The links are to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and the Nickelback store where the user can buy Nickelback things such as Merchandise and their music. 

The final website I will analyse and compare is the One Republic website

This screenshot above shows the navigation bar on the One Republic website. Again, similarly to the other 2 websites I have analysed, the main links on the menu are News, Tour, Music, Community and store. The news link tells the user latest news from the band, tour allows them to find out tour dates and information, music allows the user to find out more about their music and latest releases, and the community link allows users to interact with other fans using blogs and forums. Finally, the store link allows the user to buy merchandise and the band's music.

This screenshot above shows a One Republic news article. This information in the centre of the website is interacted with the navigation bar at the top of the website as when the user hovers over the navigation bar links, the information of that link appears in the centre as shown above. The user can also navigate through all of the information using the navigation buttons that move through each main link. Some of the main information that appear here are latest news, tour information, latest single or album releases and the featured item in the store. 

This screenshot above shows the bottom of the website. It shows that the user can sign up to the website with their email address. There are also social networking links which the user can navigate to. The user can navigate to iTunes where they can buy One Republic's music if they decide to, and the Amazon link also navigates the user to Amazon where again, they can either buy the band's albums or MP3s. Also, there are links to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube where the user can watch videos or connect with the band to view photos.

After researching and looking at these websites, I will ensure I include many of the main features used on these websites on my website. I will try and include the main content such as news, tour information, store details, and the links to the main social networking sites. 

Monday 21 October 2013

Digipak forms and conventions

Conventions of Digipaks:
  • Tracklist with song timings.
  • Bar Code
  • Link to Website
  • Record Label Logos
  • Copyright Information
  • Artist Name, Album Name, Track Name and Identification Number all on the spine of the digipak.
  • Band Names inside 
  • Information about who wrote the songs.
  • A lyric book inside
  • Pictures of the band.

The various formats of digpak are 4 panel, 6 panel and 8 panel.

Photos of Digipaks

This photo shows a digipak album cover. On the cover, there is a large main image that stands out in front of everything.  Pictures of the artist or band are one of the main conventions of digipaks. Also shown on this image are the band name and album name. 

This photo is an image from the inside of a digipak. The design of the digipak is the front of a building shown by the bricks. Once again, a large main image is used. This is usually an image of either the band or the artist.

This photo is from the same digipak as shown above. This shows some of the creators. It shows who it was mastered by, who produced it and who the photography and design is done by. 

This is the back cover of one of the digipaks. This shows the tracklist on the right side of the cover, and the main image that takes up the whole of the back of the digipak. The tracklist is one of the main conventions of digipaks, and on my digipak, I aim to use the tracklist with the song timings. 

This photo shows another front cover of a digipak. This front cover is different to the photos above because it doesn't have a large main image. Instead, it has 2 smaller images at the bottom and top corners. 

Friday 18 October 2013

What is a Digipak?

Difference between a jewel case and digipak:
A digipak is a cardboard CD holder. They tend to include extra information in them, such as photos. The differences between a digipak and a jewel case are that a jewel case is made of plastic, whereas a digipak is made of cardboard. Also, jewel cases can shatter and break easily because of the plastic and finally, digipaks are easier to produce than jewel cases.

Pros and Cons of Digipaks:


  • They are stronger than jewel cases because they don't break easily and shatter.
  • They are cheaper to produce than jewel cases.
  • They can look nicer than jewel cases as they have a better design and can include extra information such as photos.
  • They are better for the environment because of using cardboard.
  • Use the whole promotional package. The same design and colours are used for the digipak, a website, merchandise.
  • Easier to ship. They are lighter and easier to travel with than the jewel cases which can be heavier.
  • Over time, they can get mouldy and ruin.
  • Digipaks aren't waterproof so they can easily rip when they get wet.
  • The digipaks and the glue to stick it together could become loose.
  • It's harder to get the CD out of digipaks.
  • Digipaks are more difficult to replace than jewel cases. 

Why are they increasingly popular?
Digipaks are cheaper to produce than jewel cases so people tend to prefer digipaks. Digipaks are also popular because bands use the whole promotional package by using the same designs and colours for the digipack, website and merchandise. Digipaks create things better visually as they include more photos and can have a better design than jewel cases. Also bands now prefer to design their own digipak to make them stand out. Finally, alternative bands tend to use digipaks, and alternative music bands are becoming more popular.

Is there a genre of music that doesn't favour digipaks?
Pop, Heavy Metal and Classical are three genres that nearly always go for jewel cases instead of digipaks.

Monday 14 October 2013

Prop List


  • Microphone
  • 2 Guitars
  • Drums
  • Piece of paper with a phone number written on it
  • Mobile Phone
  • Wooden Table
  • Sofa
  • Wrist Watch

Location List

Location List

  • Church Graveyard
  • Darkish Alleyway
  •  Someone's House
  •  Street in the town 
  • Housing estate street 
  • School Field 
  • The outside of the Swimming Centre and Sports and Social club.  

Shot List

Shot List

  • Medium Establishing Shot/Pan                   Mid Shot                       
  • Medium/Wide Shot                                     Zoom in to a close up
  • Tilt down to a close-up                               Over the Shoulder Shot
  • Close up                                                      Mid Shot/Pan
  • Over the Shoulder Shot/Pull Focus            Low Angle Tracking Shot
  • Medium Shot                                              Wide Shot/Pan
  • Close up/Zoom                                           Tilt down into a Close up
  • Point of View of Shot/Eye Line Match      Mid Tracking Shot
  • Medium Shot                                              Over the Shoulder Shot
  • Close up                                                      Over the Shoulder Shot
  • Medium Tracking Shot                               Wide Shot/Pan
  • Long Shot                                                    Close Up
  • Two Shot                                                     Over the Shoulder Shot
  • Over the Shoulder Shot/Pull Focus             Mid Shot
  • Two Shot                                                     Close up
  • Mid Shot/Wide Shot                                    Long Shot
  • Tilt down to a close up                                Close up
  • Mid shot from the side                                Mid Tracking Shot
  • Tilt down to a close up                                Mid Tracking Shot
  • Tilt down to a close up                                Wide Shot/Pan
  • Mid Tracking Shot                                       Close up
  • Mid Shot/Wide Shot                                    Mid Shot
  • Zoom in to a mid shot                                 Wide Shot/Pan
  • Mid Shot                                                      Over the Shoulder Shot/Pull Focus
  • Tilt down to a low angle close up               Close up
  • Over the Shoulder Shot                               Close up
  • Close up                                                       Wide Shot/Pan
  • Mid Shot                                                       Tilt down into a close up
  • Close up                                                       Tilt down into a close up
  • Low Angle Tracking Shot                            Mid Tracking Shot
  • Mid/Wide Shot/Pan                                      Mid/Long Shot
  • Mid Shot                                                       Tracking Shot
  • Tilt down into close up                                 Over the Shoulder Shot
  • Long Shot/Pan                                              Two Shot
  • Mid Shot/Pan                                               Wide Shot/Pan
  • Close up                                                        Tilt down into a Mid Shot
  • Mid Shot                                                       Mid Tracking Shot/Two Shot
  • Low Angle Tracking Shot
  • Mid Shot/Pan
  • Over the Shoulder Shot/Pull Focus

Risk Assessment

Location Shots

Location Shots

These are shots of locations where I will film my music video. 

This image above is a photo of the back of the church and the graveyard next to the church. 

This image is a photo of the church graveyard. This is where I will film the very start of my music video. 

This image is a photo of the church gate. 

This image is a better photo of the church gate. I will use this gate in my music video as the entrance to the graveyard. 

This image is another photo of the church graveyard. 

This image is a photo of the alleyway that I will use in my music video. 

This image is another photo of the same alleyway. 

This image is a photo of the same alleyway but this is taken a bit further down. 

This image is a photo showing the school field. I have decided that I will use the school field as a location in my music video. 

This image is another photo of the school field, but I have taken this photo a bit closer to the field. 

This image is another photo of the alleyway that I will use in my video. This photo is taken at a different part of the alleyway.

This image is a photo near the swimming centre and the sports and social club. I will be using this as a location, although it won't be a main location. 

This image is a close-up shot of the house that I will use in my music video. 

This image is a long shot of the house that I will be using in my music video. 

This image is a photo of a street that I will use in the video. 

This image is another photo of the same street that I will use in my video, but at a different angle. 

This image is a photo of another street that I will use in the video. 

Evidence of asking record label about using song

Tuesday 24 September 2013


Music Video Storyboard

This is the storyboard that I created for my music video. I drew the shots by hand and, next to the shots, I wrote the mise en scene, and what the shots are. 

Monday 16 September 2013

Audience Research

This is the audience research for my music video


I searched for The Calling on Amazon and I found out that customers who bought The Calling's album also bought these items above such as Goo Goo Dolls, Matchbox Twenty, The Fray, Train and Nickelback. This shows that fans of The Calling are also fans of these bands which are in the same genre of music.

Download/CD Figures

From this screenshot above, I can tell that The Calling had a number 1 with Wherever you will go in Italy, New Zealand and the US Billboard hot adult top 40 tracks. They didn't do too well in Belgium and The Netherlands as their chart position was lower. From these chart figures, I can see that The Calling have a wider audience in Italy, New Zealand and the US. 


These are questions that I will ask in a questionnaire:

  How old are you?

2     What gender are you?

3     What genre of music do you like to listen to?

  Who is your favourite artist/band from that genre?

5      Have you been to any of the artist’s/band’s gigs?

6      Do you regularly buy CDs/MP3s?

7     How many CDs/MP3s have you bought in the last month?

       Are you a fan of The Calling?

Google Images - Band's gigs (what the audience is for their gigs)

I didn't find any images of the band's gigs on google images but I did manage to find a video of a concert on youtube. I  got a few glimpses of the audience. There was a range of ages from both genders in the audience, but I think it was mainly between 18-40. Here are a few example screenshots:

Facebook Page
I looked on The Calling's Facebook page and I looked at the page's likers. I found out that the most popular age group that likes The Calling's Facebook is betweeen 25-34. This gives me an idea that the main audience is the 25-34 age group.

I will create my own facebook page for my project where I will be able to ask questions to the audience to see what bands and genres they like.

Last FM

These images below are screenshots taken from Last FM to help me with my audience research. 

This screenshot above shows some similar artists and bands to The Calling. This implies that people who are fans of The Callling could also be fans of some of these artists and bands above.

This screenshot above shows the amount of all time listeners and scrobbles that The Calling have had on Last FM. This shows how popular The Calling are with their audience.
 This is also another screenshot that shows the amount of listeners and scrobbles that The Calling have had on Last FM. 

This screenshot above shows who the people are that are listening to The Calling now at this moment.  The screenshot shows how old the people are, where in the world they are listening and what gender they are. From this, I can tell that there are more males listening at the moment who are at the ages of 21, 28 and 22. There is also 1 female listening and she is aged 25. Each of the people are from a mix of countries such as France, USA, The Netherlands, Russia and Lithuania which shows how wide The Calling's audience is From this I can tell that The Calling have a wide audience in their 20s.

This screenshot above shows who the recent top listeners are for The Calling. This again shows who the top listeners are, how old they are, what gender they are, and where in the world they are listening from. From this screenshot, I can tell that the recent top listeners are mainly males between the ages of 20 and 31. Almost all of the males are aged in their 20s, apart from one who is aged 31. There is only 1 female recent top listener. This screenshot also shows that The Calling has top listeners all over the world, with these people living in Brazil, Italy, Czech Republic, Germany, Hong Kong and Indonesia. 

These screenshots from Last FM show me that mainly males aged between 20 and 30 listen to The Calling, but they are from all over the world which shows that The Calling have a large presence.