Monday 3 February 2014

Evaluation Question 4

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I used many new technologies in each of my stages. I used most of the technologies either on a MacBook at College or on my own PC at home. Technologies I used include:
For my music video research, I mainly used the internet. The search engine was Google. I used the internet to research music video conventions, the target audience of music videos, what genre I would like to base my video on, and to look at other similar music videos.

For the starting point of my research, I researched similar bands in the genre I wanted to make the video for, so I researched bands' official websites, track listings, sales figures and the target audience.

Tracklisting of The Calling - Camino Palmero

The amount and trends of listeners that The Calling have on Last FM.

 The people who were listening to The Calling at a specific time. From this, a majority of listeners are male.

I used YouTube to analyse other music videos in the genre. I analysed music videos from The Calling, Bastille, Imagine Dragons, The Temper Trap and Kings of Leon. These videos influenced me to create a video where the narrative was the main element.

Screenshot from the video of Radioactive by Imagine Dragons.

Screenshot from the video of Pompeii by Bastille.

After analysing these videos, I decided that I wanted my music video to have the narrative as the main element, and the video to be darker in colour and lighting. I will do this by using colour correction, and being darker, it will add extra edge to the video as the song is rocky.

While researching for my digipak, I used the internet to research digipak conventions. I would then include them conventions in my digipak. I also used the internet to find a suitable 4-panel template that I would use for my digipak.

I again used the internet to research websites. I analysed different websites to discover what the conventions are, and then I compared them to find out what conventions similar websites all use. I would then use them conventions in my website. 

To create my music video, I used a DSLR Camera and a still digital camera

I used the still digital camera to take recce shots of the locations in my video so that I could have photos of the locations, and I used the DSLR camera to shoot my music video because it is one of the more high quality cameras that were available for me to shoot with. 

To construct my music video, I captured the footage in Final Cut Pro

I used Final Cut Pro to edit the video with cuts, transitions, colour correction and other filters. Using colour correction allowed me to make the video black and white, which would gave the video the edge along with the rocky, edgy sound of the song.

To create my digipak design, I used Adobe Photoshop.

As I have shown below, I used many layers to create the design. The many layers consisted of text, images and effects.

The images I've used are photos from my music video which shows how they come together as a promotional package. I then included several things including the band members, track listing and text effects.

To create my website, I used Wix.

This image below is the template that I used to create my website. I chose this template because the colours match the genre of the song in my video. There were plenty of templates available but I chose this one because again, it matches the genre and then I could edit it to make it my own style.

Wix is also good to use because it allowed me to create and publish the website for free. All of the tools I needed were also right in front of me at the click of a button,

The image below is of my final website. Before creating the website, I researched similar websites to find out what conventions I will use in mine. 

I also used SoundCloud to import sound onto the website.

I used Slideshare to upload my Evaluation Question 1. I uploaded it to Slideshare and then pasted the embed code into Blogger.

Finally, I used Blogger for all stages of my project. I uploaded everything to Blogger

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