Monday 15 July 2013

Undercranking experiment

This is the undercranking experiment that we did which made the video slow-motion.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Paramore music video analysis

  • There are approximately 200 cuts. This gives the video a high pace, matching the music track.
  • The lighting is constructed to create a match with the clips from the film Twilight that are intercut into the video due to a record deal between Paramore and the film producers. This adds a slightly dreary look to the footage - as if filmed on a grey-sky day. 
  • The video is predominantly filmed in a wooded area with tall trees, matching those within the Twilight clips. These allow the artists to clamber around and hide themselves during the video, giving a sense of mystery and suspicion. 
  • The artists (when not shown performing) look around, hide, and back away from seemingly invisible threats, emulating the defensive nature of the Twilight characters.
  • All the musicians clothes match the mood and are similar to the clothes in the Twilight clips. They also match slightly gothic themes to the music.
  • Grey colour palette, creates a dull mood. Except for the lead singers hair that is a striking red.
  • The singer's always in the centre of the frame, while the others musicians are off centre showing the singer's importance over the others. 
  • The camera moves around a lot in the video which keeps the audience disorientated.
  • Towards the start of the video, a lot of fades are used.
  • The editing pace is very quick throughout the video which also puts the audience on edge and again makes it mysterious.
  •  A range of camera shots, angles and movements are used in the video including: 
  • Zooms - These can focus in on a character or object and they also focus out of a character or object.
  • Trombone shots
  • A lot of dollies to move around the musicians
  • High and low angle shots
  • Aerial shots from above which look down on the musicians. This again makes them the main focus and they're usually framed in the centre.
  • Close-ups, medium shots and long shots
  • Canted Framing to make the audience disorientated, putting them on edge and giving them a sense of mysteriousness, similar in the Twilight film.
  • They use lip syncing very well and they put the main singer in the centre of the frame to make her the main focus to show her lip syncing. 
  • Characters are used in the video as many clips are shown from the Twilight movie. 
  • Intertextuality - The video makes many references to the Twilight movie by adding clips from the movie into the video. This gives the audience a sense of what the video is about and gives it a meaning.
  • The video could be shown on many music channels on TV, mainly the rock music channels. This is to advertise Paramore and their music to a wider audience.
  • I think the target audience of this video is all ages and both genders but I think the main age range is 15 - 23.

Friday 5 July 2013

Photos from 4/7/13

These photos show us editing the footage on Final cut pro from the music video experiment we did.