Monday 25 November 2013

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Cast and Crew organised

Cast and Crew

I will be filming most of my video on Thursday 28th November


  • Will Wardle
  • John Burton


  • Ryan Oxley

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Website Research

For my website research, I will look at different websites that are in the genre of my music video. I will compare them to find similarities and differences between the websites. I will pick out important features that the websites have.

These screenshots below are from the Goo Goo Dolls website. 

This screenshot above shows the top half of the Goo Goo Dolls website. It shows the navigation bar across the top which includes links to the main content such as news, videos, photos, music, tour and bio. This content is important to find out more about the band and their music. This screenshot also shows that the site allows the user to view latest photos and latest news from the band. The user can also be engaged with the band which is shown through two links on the right. The links allow the user to sign in to the site or sign in to join the fan club. Finally, which I think is important, the user is able to listen to some of the band's songs through SoundCloud.

On this screenshot above, it shows that the user can navigate to view latest news from the band. This is easy to read because of the text being in bold so the news stands out on the website page meaning the user gets drawn to it. Also, the website uses advertising to get fans to go to the band's tour. On the right of the page, there's a tour section which allows the user to buy tickets for the tour in different locations. Also, the site advertises the band's new album so the user can view it. 

This screenshot shows the main parts of the website which the user can navigate to. There are also social networking links which have become an important part of websites. The social networking links used here are Instagram, iTunes, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, MySpace and Spotify. 

These screenshots below are from the Nickelback website. 

This screenshot is from the top of the Nickelback website. It shows the navigation bar on the site which allows the user to navigate around the website. Similarly to the navigation bar on the Goo Goo Dolls website, the links they have in common are News, Tour, Music, Store and Fan Club. This implies that this is the sort of content that bands' websites usually include on the site. 

This screenshot above from the Nickelback website shows tour information and news. From my previous research about the Goo Goo Dolls website, I can see that this information about tours and news are important to put on the home page of a website. Users are able to search through the tour dates and locations using the navigation buttons, and they can also search through the latest news using the navigation buttons. Also on the site, users are able to listen to their music shown by the Now Playing part. The user can also interact with the website by either logging in to the site or registering a new account. This is all very similar to the content on the Goo Goo Dolls website, as shown above, the content shown on there is about the band's tours and latest news. 

This screenshot shows the social networking links on the website that allows the user to interact and navigate to the sites. The links on there are very similar to what's on the Goo Goo Dolls website, and they are also the main social networking sites that the audience uses. The links are to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and the Nickelback store where the user can buy Nickelback things such as Merchandise and their music. 

The final website I will analyse and compare is the One Republic website

This screenshot above shows the navigation bar on the One Republic website. Again, similarly to the other 2 websites I have analysed, the main links on the menu are News, Tour, Music, Community and store. The news link tells the user latest news from the band, tour allows them to find out tour dates and information, music allows the user to find out more about their music and latest releases, and the community link allows users to interact with other fans using blogs and forums. Finally, the store link allows the user to buy merchandise and the band's music.

This screenshot above shows a One Republic news article. This information in the centre of the website is interacted with the navigation bar at the top of the website as when the user hovers over the navigation bar links, the information of that link appears in the centre as shown above. The user can also navigate through all of the information using the navigation buttons that move through each main link. Some of the main information that appear here are latest news, tour information, latest single or album releases and the featured item in the store. 

This screenshot above shows the bottom of the website. It shows that the user can sign up to the website with their email address. There are also social networking links which the user can navigate to. The user can navigate to iTunes where they can buy One Republic's music if they decide to, and the Amazon link also navigates the user to Amazon where again, they can either buy the band's albums or MP3s. Also, there are links to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube where the user can watch videos or connect with the band to view photos.

After researching and looking at these websites, I will ensure I include many of the main features used on these websites on my website. I will try and include the main content such as news, tour information, store details, and the links to the main social networking sites.